Conversational AI: A Game Changer for User and Customer Experience Standards

Eduardo Feo
Published in
5 min readApr 27, 2024


Conversational AI
Conversational AI

Hey folks, today let’s chat about this super cool tech called Conversational AI. It’s basically like teaching your computer to chat with you as naturally as you’d talk to a friend. Alex Halper from Deloitte nailed it when he said, “conversation is the only interface everyone already knows how to use.” I mean, who doesn’t know how to talk, right?

Here’s the scoop: about 74% of businesses reckon that chatbots are crucial for their customer and business engagement strategies. Even better, 76% of these businesses have seen real benefits from using voice and chat assistants. It’s not just a fancy add-on; it’s transforming the way companies operate and interact.

Take customer support, for example. Contact centers are usually a massive drain on resources with high costs and crazy high staff turnover — up to 44%! Then came COVID, and boom, even more pressure. But here’s where Conversational AI comes into play, making things smoother by handling loads of customer interactions without breaking a sweat. We’re talking automation rates of up to 80%, which means huge savings and less need to pile on more staff.

These bots are like the unsung heroes in customer support. They’re always on, no breaks needed, handling the simple stuff so human agents can tackle the more interesting cases. This not only cuts down on employee burnout but also amps up customer satisfaction. Happy employees, happy customers — it’s a win-win.

Even when bots don’t handle everything, they’re still wizards at streamlining processes like checking who’s calling and figuring out what they need. This might not sound like much, but it saves a ton of time and money, especially for the big league companies.

And it’s not just about making existing jobs easier. Conversational AI is redefining roles. Imagine being an agent and having a bot that chimes in with tips or reminders during calls, or even better, learns from the sidelines and takes over routine queries next time. They call this setup a hybrid workforce, where humans and bots team up for an ultra-efficient workflow.

On the sales front, Conversational AI is a game-changer too. For instance, account managers juggling multiple clients can now reach out more effectively with timely and personalized messages through whatever channel works best — text, email, you name it. It’s like having a supercharged assistant who knows exactly when and how to engage each client to boost sales.

I even threw together a demo for a made-up meal delivery service to show how you can use this tech to sign up new customers in a fun and engaging way. Trust me, it’s a whole lot more inviting than filling out boring forms.

But, of course, it’s not all roses. Rolling out these bots can be tricky. Get it wrong, and customers might swear off using them again if their first experience is a flop. Plus, picking the right tech is crucial because not all platforms are as reliable or scalable as they promise.

And let’s not forget about the workplace dynamics. Introducing bots can stir up worries about job security. Getting everyone on board early and giving them a say can help smooth out these bumps and make sure the tech is welcomed rather than feared.

In a nutshell, Conversational AI is about way more than just chatting. It’s a powerhouse tool for reshaping how businesses interact with customers and manage their operations. When done right, it can lead to some serious improvements across the board.

Rolling out Conversational AI is like navigating a maze — super exciting but packed with challenges. Here’s a peek into the mess and how to tidy it up:

First up, old-school systems. These beasts are a major headache because they’re not built to play nice with new tech. They often lack APIs and are guarded by gatekeepers who are too swamped to think about integration. To tackle this, start with projects that don’t depend much on these ancient systems, and pick ones that can set the stage for future expansions. It’s like choosing the battles you know you can win.

Then there’s the data — or the lack of it. These AI systems need tons of data to understand what users want. But often, companies are flying blind, guessing what to automate without solid data. When the data isn’t there, you end up relying on instincts rather than insights, which isn’t ideal. To fix this, it’s crucial to get real about collecting and analyzing user interactions, even if it means starting from scratch.

The backbone of conversational AI: the logic tree.

This is what helps the AI decide how to steer the chat. Without a good map of existing processes, it’s like trying to navigate without a compass. The trick is to dive deep with process experts to map out how things should flow — this groundwork is gold.

Ongoing maintenance is another biggie. You can’t just set up AI and forget about it. It needs constant tuning to keep up with new demands and expectations. This means setting up a dedicated team that’s all about tweaking and improving the system. Think of it as nurturing a garden, not just planting seeds.

Lastly, the talent crunch. There aren’t enough seasoned pros in conversational AI yet. It’s a bit like the Wild West out there — everyone’s learning on the go. Companies might need to team up with specialists or consultants who can bring in the expertise needed to make things work.

And don’t even get me started on platform limitations. Many companies end up trapped by closed systems that don’t let them customize or expand as needed. The smart move? Go for open systems that can grow with you and don’t box you in.

Despite these hurdles, Conversational AI is charging ahead, transforming how businesses interact with customers. The challenges are real, but so are the opportunities to innovate and improve. It’s a thrilling time to jump in and steer through these changes, and honestly, the potential benefits are too good to pass up.



UX/UI design strategist. Harvard graduate. Certified SCRUM master. Adjunct university professor. Mentor. Speaker. Father. Former professional soccer player.